Thursday, May 7, 2009

Stay Tuned

To anyone about to take the time to read this, I apologize for the disappointment you might experience if this post isn't as exciting as you'd hoped since we haven't actually even began the class yet, much less left for our trip.

I suppose it would make sense to introduce myself. My name is Adam Hosey, I'm now a senior here at Aurora, and I'll be receiving my B.A. in History this December. As of now, I'm eighteen years old, and my excitement abounds as this will not only be my first trip out of the country, but also my first ride on an airplane, and needless to say my first time blogging for a general population about the joyous experience of a foreign adventure.

With our itinerary full as time shortens the gap between the present and our departure for Heathrow, it easy to look forward in elation about the days ahead; by the good graces of a friend of Dr. Butters, we --the five or seven or something of us-- have been offered the opportunity to stay at a home in the U.S. Embassy, and, as I understand it, the opportunity to speak with a few foreign diplomats. Perhaps even greater is the way that this trip is facilitating my early graduation; without it, I'd still have two semesters left.

To come down off that tangent, perhaps now would be an appropriate point at which to conclude this entry. As a whole world of foreign culture, unforgettable life experiences, great food and good beer approaches, I can assure any inquisitive readers that I will in fact post more frequently and with far more substance and excitement. Stay tuned for more!

1 comment:

  1. Dude when ya gonna start posting. We want to see some prelims for the trip.
