Saturday, May 23, 2009

Our first night out!

Yesterday was really cool. We began the day somewhat early, with a walking tour of the city from a tour guide that seemed as though he spoke every language in Europe; both a help and a hindrance when considering that he had to repeat everything he said in more than one language to ensure that all the tourists he was catering to could understand exactly what they were seeing. We saw one of the first fortresses ever constructed in this city, which has stood since (I believe) 923, and a really cool multinational winery that was located --for the most part-- underground. It's interesting just how international the atmosphere is here, it seems like just about everyone who doesn't live in this city is a foreigner, and nearly every sign everywhere is in more than one language. They also have a lot of foreign restaurants simply called "Snack [insert foreign country name here]." So far, I've come across a Snack Brazil, Snack Portugal, Snack Istanbul, and Snack New York, and there's no doubt a number of others that I have yet to come across.

We also had our first opportunity to go out on our own last night, which was a lot of fun. We trekked down a gargantuan hill on a cobblestone street into a small neighborhood packed into a valley known as the Grund; we were advised that it was where the majority of European kids our age liked to hang out. We found a small place called Oscar Wilde's, which was awesome as well because it was run by English-speaking management, so we were able to actually converse fluently with our waitress, something that has become quite rare to us here in Europe.

We have a lot of pictures from the last three days, either today or tomorrow we will all sit down and get the good ones off each of our cameras, and post some up! Keep checking back.


  1. Hi Adam,
    Looks as though you are having a wonderful experience!! Soak it all in - that is what life is about, the journey. You get a chance to see how some of the other world lives and much of it is still in its "old" original state, unlike the USA. Its refreshing. Look forward to seeing you when you return and also seeing pics on your site. Take Care, have fun, make smart choices and be safe.
    Love Aunt Sheila

  2. Hey brotherrrr. I miss you. Hope your birthday was fun, love you.
