OK back again, here is the second half of day 2. We drove up into the mountains to take a lantern tour of cave of the winds.
This was a pretty cool deal. The view from the top of the mountain was gorgeous and we were amazed.

So you can imagine how this
expedition went imagine this. We are let to this wood
door with a 4 foot by 3 foot hole cut out. Our guide told us that there were
numerous passages in the cave
like this so if you have knee or back problems, the tour is not for you. We were also told that their were steep inclines and lots of ups and downs so you needed to be in
some sort of shape to
complete the tour. Next we are led to a wooden set of
stairs and railing and are handed a kerosene lantern. We were then told that after the stairs there was no more concrete and no more electricity.

So on the
tour we
definitely got a workout in. At one point I was duck walking through a tunnel and my heart rate was up to 160. The picture below was me trying to fit through one of the holes. I
legitimately almost got stuck in this hole. Throughout the tunnel it was hard to see Jen, our head
chaperon would always turn around and
take a photo op. FYI a really bright flash in a dark cave is not cool, But we wouldn't have
pictures so it's a Catch-22.

The caves were discovered in the mid 1800's by two
entrepreneur/explorers. They would charge tourists $1.50 to take a tour of the caves. One of the owners was stealing money and the other ended up splitting and buying another set of caves in the area. Eventually He got a hold of the cave of the winds and died protecting the cave from his crooked partner.
They say his ghost still wanders around and it made the tour a little more interesting.

The one thing that
creeped us out on the
tour was the owner that died had a wife and she always wore a rose smelling perfume. Well as you go
through certain parts of the caves you could smell the aroma and it was kind of weird. There were certain areas that it was really strong and
some of us were
creeped out by it.

There was
also this part of the cave were it was significantly warmer than the rest of the caves and it was kind of weird too but we just went with it. There were points in the
tour where we would put out the lanterns and it was
pitch black. You could
not see the pe
rson standing right next to you and it was creepy.

After we got back from the tunnel we took some goofy pictures on the surface. Overall it was a great experience and we loved getting out and exploring
some of the nature that Colorado has to offered. After the caves we went to a pizza
place in Colorado Springs and they had a slide in the building that we were only allowed to play on once we finished our food. That is all for the day 2 hold on
because there is plenty more from Colorado.
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