OK so these next couple of posts will not be as long as the others but I still want you to know about everything we did. So we headed back to the Air Force Academy to meet with Allen Hedrich, Director at the National Strength and Conditioning Association headquarters. We met with him at the Academy because the NSCA headquarters was hosting a symposium and we didn't want to get in their way.

So at first we had a 1 1/2 hour presentation on periodization and the various ways to set up a conditioning program. We learned a lot of variations to the basic periodization model and Allen was very helpful in answering a lot of questions that we had. We went through different cycles and different scenarios that can occur during a year-long conditioning program.

We then went out into the weight room. Allen showed us some different kinds of exercises and showed us how to get a workout in with water-filled kegs. We did a variation of squats and lunges and these were not that easy. We then went to floor exercise with barbells and Allen showed us how to do some core exercises with one end of the bar anchored into the ground.

The last thing we did was go through a shortened tutorial about how to do the Olympic movements with dumbbells rather than barbells.
This was the best part of the weight room session because there were some people in our group who had never done an Olympic movement before and to get a lesson from one of the best strength coaches in the countries is not a bad place to start. After the session we thanked Allen and went on our way. We went back to the hotel and relaxed for a few hours because later that night we went to the Flying W Ranch. Until then buh-bye!
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