Back again with more fun in Colorado. Here is our excursion of the day. After the Air Force Academy we decided to catch a train and take it up to the top of Pike's Peak. Where we were staying was around 6,500-7,000 feet above sea level. The top of the peak was over 14,000. As we drove around the previous days we noticed a big mountain the distance with snow covering the top of it. Little did we realize that that was Pike's Peak and that we would end up on the top of it.

To get up the mountain we took the Cog railroad and the trip itself was a little over 45 minutes.
We were part of a 3 car system that took us up the mountain side. We were told to make sure we had a jacket
or sweatshirt with and we would soon know why.

At the start of the trip we went through a thick forest with a lot of dips and turns. We didn't see much wildlife but there were numerous rock formations that resembled things like an elephant, diamond, Santa's sleight, and a seal. We had a an enthusiastic tour guide and learned a lot of little tid bits of information about the mountain and surrounding areas.

As we made our way up the mountain there were markers that pointed out every 2,00 feet that we had risen. As we got about halfway up the mountain we realized a slight change in temperature and we notice a difference in the air.

At about the 3/4 mark we were 11,50 feet and when you looked out the side of the train we noticed how high we were. At one point on the trip we could see past Colorado onto the plains of Kansas. We also were able to see the tallest mountain in New Mexico. On the way up we also saw the largest gold mine in the world and many lakes and forests throughout the mountain range.

The closer we got to the top we started seeing snow on the ground and some of us in the group were getting headaches or sick. We found out that we were suffering from Acute Mountain Sickness. By the time we go to the top of the mountain it looked like a Chicago winter up there.

When we got to the top we were informed it was 31 degrees and that we were at 14, 429 feet above sea level. We had heard that at the top of Pike's Peak they had the best doughnuts around. I thought it was weird when I first heard that but I go to try one and they were actually really good.

When we left the train station is was 78 degrees and sunny and when we got to the top we still had the sun but it was 47 degrees cooler. At the top the view was amazing and we could not believe how far we could see.

On the way down we were told that the song America the Beautiful was written when the songwriter looked out over the mountains and was inspired by the view she saw. As we made our way down the mountain we could see how she was inspired and we all felt better as we came down the mountain. All in all we enjoyed ourselves and loved the journey. We have two more days in Colorado which means I have a few more posts
to do so until then, talk to you later!
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